The Club are pleased to announce the opening of the newly refurbished gym as of Tuesday 29th March.
Gym access is only available to fully paid-up members of the club. This includes Social/VP/Lifetime members. Parents of Junior members wishing to use the gym will be expected to hold one of the previously mentioned memberships in their own right.
Members wishing to have access to the gym may register to do so by completing the terms and conditions on the following link.
Once that had been processed you will receive a text message, telling you how to download the August App which is required for access to the gym. Once you have installed the App please register an account and you should then be able to access the gym.
Tom Radbourne and Natasha Davison have agreed to manage the gym in respect of membership. Their contact details are as follows: or text 07860 862329 or text 07415 304161
The committee would like to thank Mark Doran, Mike Bailey, Gemma Skinner, Noisecheck and Covers for their work and support given during the gym conversion, and particularly to the club members who enabled the project to come to fruition: Chris Wreford, Natasha Davison, Amy Dare, Lee Chandler, Martin Lippe, Mark Witcher, Tom Radbourne, Yorkie Smith and Ricky Lidbetter.